Writing Center Welcome

Greetings from the Writing Center!  Every Sunday or Monday, you will get an email from me with the Writing Center hours for the week.  You can feel free to tuck this email away in your deleted items, ready for the moment you need it, you can print it out and hang it on your door, or you can just remember these three things:

1.      The Writing Center is great!
2.      The Writing Center has candy! (Unless someone has gotten there before you.)
3.      The Writing Center tutors are nice and want to help you!

This week, we will be open for evening study hall every night (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday) from 7:45 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.  If you want to visit during the day, stop by and visit or send me an email and I will be sure to be there.  No need to make an appointment, though; just drop by and we will be happy to help you create polished masterpieces (well, maybe!) for your teachers.  We are located in a spacious, candy-filled room on the second floor of the library.

Stay tuned for increased hours after tutor training on Wednesday!

Sarah Sawyer
Writing Center Director, English Teacher

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