Obama Wins Four More Years

by Cameron Hill ’15

After a presidential election season ridden with memorable, often hysterical
moments (Clint Eastwood’s now famous soliloquy to an empty chair comes to
mind), and an extremely close race, Barack Obama was reelected President of the
United States on Tuesday November 6, 2012. He defeated the Republican nominee,
the former governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney and his running mate Paul
Ryan. Going into Tuesday, many analysts expected days of ballot recounts and
lawsuits. It was even suggested that neither candidate would be able to reach
the total of 270 electorate votes needed to secure an election.

However, it quickly became apparent that Obama was the likely victor. According
to CNN, Romney would have needed the electoral votes of battleground states
Virginia, Ohio, and Florida, along with those of the traditionally red states he
was likely to win, to obtain a victory. All three of those states were
eventually won by Obama.

Read the full post here.

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