Category Archives: Notifications

Tuesday Banquet, Wednesday Assembly

On Wednesday, we will have Assembly in the Chapel at 8:30 am and be sitting by advisories.

On Tuesday at 5:45 pm, the boarding community and other community members who have RSVP’d will be gathering in the Dining Commons for a Community Banquet. TWe will be sitting by dorms and other attendees will have assigned seats. Dress is coat and tie for males and dresses, skirts, dress pants and appropriate tops for the females.  In other words, dress to impress and all outfits should be within dress code!

Immediately following the dinner, the Hills have graciously invited everyone to their home for cookies and hot beverages.  It should be a wonderful evening and we do hope you enjoy it!

Thanks again, Ms. Noble

Red Cross Blood Drive Today

The Red Cross Blood Drive is under way in the Dodge Room and Dance Studio in Reed from 9am-3pm today.  Stop by to say “hi”, and see who is helping to save a life by giving a piece of themselves.  If there is a free slot, you may even be able to give blood if you have not signed up yet.  1 donation can save 3 lives. Be a hero, give blood.


Matthew Spearing
Director of Student Activities, AP Environmental Science, Football
The Williston Northampton School
19 Payson Avenue
Easthampton, MA  01027
(413) 529-3340

The Laramie Project Auditions

Auditions for the spring production of The Laramie Project, by Moisés Kaufman and members of the Tectonic Theater Project, will be held Tuesday, December 11 from 6:30-8:30 p.m., with callbacks on Wednesday, December 12 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Students interested in auditioning should look for an email with details about the play and audition process. In the meantime, they are encouraged to check out a copy of the play to read in preparation for auditions. Please email Emily Ditkovski, director of the Williston Theatre, with any questions.

December Cultural and Religious Observances

Dear Williston Community,

As you may know, December is quite a big month in terms of the many cultural and religious traditions that are observed. Our community is made up of many who celebrate them, and on behalf of the Diversity Committee, I would like to acknowledge these important events that enrich all of our lives.

On Saturday, December 8th Buddhists all over the world will celebrate Bodhi Day, the day in 596 BC when Siddartha Gautama achieved Enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree. As a result of this deep meditation for the length of an entire night, Prince Siddartha transcended suffering, achieved Nirvana (freedom from the endless cycles of suffering, passion, and the external world) and from that point on, became known as the Buddha, or “Awakened One.”

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Changes to T2 Math Resource Schedule

A few additional changes needed to be made to the T2 tutoring schedule due to last minute changes in students’ schedules.  Below and attached you will find the most up-to-date schedule.  As a reminder, the Math Resource Center is a drop-in center—you do not need to make an appointment.  You can come at the beginning of the period or in the middle of the period, and you can stay for as long as you need to.

During study hall on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, it is best if you arrive by 8 pm but not required, and you do not need to stay until 9.  You are welcome to go back to the dorm once you have completed the work you need to do with the tutor unless your dorm has a different policy, so check with your dorm parents when you sign out.  It is extremely helpful if you bring your math book and notebooks to tutoring sessions so that you and your tutor have what you need when you are getting help.

With a week and a half left before the winter break, most likely you will all have some kind of assessment in your math class, so take advantage of all our fabulous tutors!!

Have a great week.
Ms. Anderson