Category Archives: Notifications

Student Suface Collection May 23-24

Beginning on May 23, we will be collecting the Surfaces from the students, according to the schedule below.  In order to help with the process, we have created personalized Surface Check-out sheets for each student.  These forms will be in your mailboxes by tomorrow afternoon.  I am asking that Dorm Heads distribute these to the students in their dorms and that advisers of upper school day students distribute them to day students.  Middle School students will receive their sheets from Linda.

Please make sure these sheets are distributed by Monday, May 19.  The purpose of getting these forms into the hands of the students is to reinforce the fact that all of the equipment they’ve been issued (Surface, keyboard, charger, stylus) needs to be returned in good condition, or they will be charged accordingly.

Collection Schedule:
·       7th Grade: Thursday, May 29 at the end of the day in the Middle School
·       8th Grade: Friday, May 23rd at 3:00 p.m. in the Middle School
·       9th, 10th, 11th Grades: Wednesday, May 28th and Thursday May 29th between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the PA Room
·       12th Grade ONLY: Friday, May 23 between 2:00 and 5:00 in the Tech Center and Saturday, May 24th between noon and 5:00 p.m. in the PA Room
·       NOTE: No one may turn in a Surface outside of these collection times

Thank you for your cooperation, and if anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Andrew Shelffo

AP European History Placement Test on May 21

All students who have signed up to take AP European History next year are required to sit for the Entry Test on Wednesday, May 21, 2014, from 1:00 – 2:00 pm in Reed 102. The test will require students to write an essay on a topic after reading a presentation document. No advance preparation is required or expected to take this test. Please bring at least two pens or pencils. Any student wishing to use a laptop may do so with prior History & Global Studies Department Head approval.

Eligibility for admission to AP European History is based on each student’s past performance in History and Global Studies Department courses, English courses, and the quality of their essays completed for the Entry Test.

All students who take the entry test will be notified about the outcome of their application by the History & Global Studies Department Head by Wednesday, May 28, 2014, via email.

Please contact me if you have any questions.
Mrs. Klumpp

AP U.S. History Placement Test Thursday at 3:10

All students interested in taking AP U.S. History next year that have not been exempted due to their performance in AP European History are required to take a placement test on Thursday, May 22 at 3:10 in Reed 204.  The test will require students to write an essay on a topic after reading several documents. No advance preparation is required or expected to take this test. Please bring at least two pens or pencils. Any student wishing to use a laptop may do so with prior History & Global Studies Department Head approval.

Eligibility for admission to AP U.S. History is based on each student’s past performance in History and Global Studies Department courses, English courses, and the quality of their essays completed for the Entry Test.

All students who take the entry test will be notified about the outcome of their application by the History & Global Studies Department Head by Wednesday, May 28, 2014, via email.

Please contact me if you have any questions.
Mr. Doubleday

Run-off Elections for Student Council

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the excellent voter participation in Thursday’s Student Council elections which yielded some very tight races.  As a result, there is a need for additional voting which will be held on Tuesday, May 20th during lunch.  Please see below the candidates involved in the run-off elections in the Class of 2015 and 2016.  It is our desire to announce next year’s Student Council at Assembly on Wednesday, May 21st.
Ms. Noble

Class of 2015
Emmett O’Malley
Loren Po

Noah Jackson
Caleb Parker

Class Representative
Milo Cowles
Marie Innarelli

Class of 2016
Vice President
Abbie Foster
Calvin Ticknor-Swanson

Class Representative
Jen Cavazuti
Sideya Dill

End of the Year Details

To all Students:

With only 10 days remaining for seniors and two weeks left for the rest of us, it’s time to acquaint yourself with the end of year sign-out procedures and cleaning schedule for boarding students.  In an effort to make next year’s registration be more efficient, we’ll be issuing new ID’s in your registration packet.  To make this happen, we’re asking all returning students to have a new picture taken in the Business Office before you leave for the end of the year.   In addition, as part of the sign-out procedures, you will need to turn in your ID.  We recognize some of you use your ID’s for travel and other things during the summer and if you’d like to have a summer ID, please let the business office know at the time of your picture and when you turn in your ID, they will give you a new ID to use during the summer.  If you don’t return your current ID, there will be a charge for your new ID to cover expenses associated with deactivating and reactivating an account. So, please cooperate and get your ID picture taken early!  Your picture can be taken between 8 am- 4 pm on the following days: Tuesday, May 20th-Friday, May 23rd and Tuesday, May 27th and Wednesday, May 28th.  Also, if you need your card number to purchase books in the summer, please contact the Business Office and that information will be provided.

On another note, Closing Days includes some important events that you need to have on your calendar:

Wednesday, May 21st – Travel forms due and Willy Gras -3:30 – 6:30 pm
Thursday, May 22nd – Dorm Cleaning 3:30-5:30 PM – Room Inspections for Seniors – Boomerang on Campus for Packing Needs
Friday, May 23rd – Boomerang Storage on Campus – Pick up for Seniors shipping items –
8:30 am Assembly –Athletic Awards
–        Seniors turn in Surfaces in Tech Center 2:00 pm-5:00 pm
Saturday, May 24th- Academic Awards Ceremony – 9:30 am on the Quad
Seniors turn in Surfaces –PA room – 12 noon-5pm
–         8:00 pm Baccalaureate (Seniors Only)
–        Food Trucks on Quad for non-seniors -7:30 -8:45 pm, Check –in at 9 pm with dorm activities
–        Senior check in at 11 pm or seniors may take an overnight to be their own parents
Sunday, May 25th – Commencement 9:30 am – Required for all – Best Dress
Monday, May 26th – Memorial Day – Assessments – 8:30-10:00 am- B, 10:30-12:00 D, 1:00-1:30 G Review, 1:40-2:10 A Review
Tuesday, May 27th – Assessments  – 8:30-10:00 -G, 10:30-12:00 – A, 1:00-1:30- C Review, 1:40 -2:10 – E Review
–        2:30-4:00 Leadership Training for All Proctors, International Leaders and elected Seniors on Student Council
–        4:30-6:30 Dorm Cleaning required for all Boarders – Room inspections –boxes sealed and labeled
Wednesday, May 28th – 8:30-10:00 – C, 10:30-12:00 – E, 1:00-1:30 – F Review,  Boomerang Storage in Reed for shipping needs
–        8:00 am – 4:00 pm – Last day to have ID picture taken at the Business Office
–        10:00 – 4:00 PM – Turn in Surfaces in PA Room
Thursday, May 29th – 8:30-10:00 – F, 10:00 – 4:00 PM – Turn in Surfaces in PA room
Boarders depart for break, dorms remain open
Friday, May 30th  – Dorms Close at 12 noon – Happy Summer!

Kathy Noble
Dean of Students

Admission Intern Application Due May 14

Hello Wildcats!

We are very happy to announce that the Admission Office seeks a group of eight Admission Interns to organize, manage, and oversee the day-to-day functioning of campus visits through tour guide coordination and post-visit outreach.  Responsibilities include participating in new tour guide training, matching visitors and tour guides, following up with tour guides electronically and in person, meeting and greeting prospective families, and emailing visitors after they leave Williston.  Admission Interns will play an important role in shaping the future of Williston; it is a position with big responsibility and big potential reward!

Applications are due by Wednesday, May 14 at 10:30 p.m. to Ms. Talbot Syfu.  You can copy the below application and submit your answers to Ms. Talbot-Syfu via email, if that is easier for you.

We greatly appreciate your interest in this position, and we look forward to interviewing candidates after May 14!

Continue reading

AP English Reads With You on May 16

I thought this would be a good time to add something to your “to-do” list, so here goes:  AP English 12 is spending our last days together reading in small groups, and we would like to invite all of you to join us.  If you’re interested, please pick one of the following books to begin reading this week or next:

Disgrace, J.M. Coetzee
Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov
Blindness, Jose Saramago
Black Swan Green, David Mitchell
Cartwheel, Jen DuBois ’02 (Williston Grad!)
Atonement, Ian McEwan

We would love to have you join us for class during G or B block on Friday, May 16.  Maybe you have already read one of these books and you would like to come chat about it, or maybe you have been looking for a good book to read; this is a great excuse!  No need to prepare anything or to be an expert on the book you read, and no need to have read very far…believe me, they won’t be far along either.

Please let me know if you are able to come join us!

Thank you!
Sarah Sawyer
Writing Center Director, English Teacher

Sarah Sawyer
Writing Center Director, English Teacher

Final Free-Writing Workshop Tonight at 6:45

Hey Williston!

Do you hear that noise? That faint whisper calling your name?
It’s your notebooks and pencils asking you to write with them.
If your writing-hand is feeling a bit neglected, join us in the Writing Center
on Monday evening at 6:45 p.m. for my next free-writing workshop!

Due to scheduling constraints, this will be my final session, and I hope to see
many of you there! There will be more cookies, popcorn, and beverages—I pinky promise.

Thanks for your support and interest thus far. I look forward to finishing this great series with you tomorrow.

Jerusalem 2015 Meeting Tonight at 5:30 p.m.

Hello everyone,

The first of two informational meetings for the 2015 trip to Jerusalem will be held tomorrow evening, May 5, from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. in the PA room in the dining hall. The second informational meeting will be held on Monday, May 12, at the same time in the same place.

Everyone planning in applying for JLEM2015 should attend at least one meeting. Parents are also encouraged to attend.

Complete trip information, including application, is online right here:

– Mr. Seamon