Category Archives: Upcoming Events

Winter Afternoon Program

Below are the practice/meeting times for the first meeting of each winter afternoon program activity. There will be some athletic practices, primarily varsity tryouts beginning on Tuesday. All other programs will meet on Thursday afternoon with times and sites to be announced. Here are the initial practice times.

Wrestling – meet on Monday following your fall closure day to clean mats

Girls Basketball – varsity tryouts at 2:45
Boys Hockey – varsity tryouts at 3:30
Girls Squash – varsity tryouts at 3:30
Boys & Girls Swimming – practice at 3:45
Boys Basketball – varsity tryouts at 4:15
Boys Squash – varsity tryouts at 4:30
Boys & Girls Skiing – meet at 3:30 in the lower Stubop outside the photo lab
Girls Hockey – TBD, Ms. Talbot-Syfu will let you know

All other programs will have a meeting on Thursday most likely at 2:00pm – I will confirm with an email tomorrow.

Mr. Grant

Movember Update

Hey Williston,

Just here to give you a friendly update on the efforts of those of us who are participating in Movember.

Here is where our Williston team stands. In only two short weeks we have raised a collective $1,915! That is awesome! The whole team and our supporters would like to thank everyone who has donated or asked us about our mustaches. Every contribution and conversation helps us immeasurably.

A quick recap of what we are doing: As a group (anyone is still welcome to join in. It is never too late) we are growing mustaches or challenging ourselves to be active all the days of November. We do this in order to start conversations about men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and mental health. Sometimes are mustaches are not the most beautiful, but they represent something that is important to all of us. If you see one of your teachers, friends, classmates or anyone with a mustache ask them about why they are growing it. It will be a fun conversation and will be about some pretty important stuff.

If you would like to donate please follow the link below to our team’s page. (You do not need to be a hockey player to join us. EVERYONE is welcome!)

Again, thank you to all who have donated and all who have supported us in other ways. It is all greatly appreciated.

Thank you and grow on,

Mr. Rivenburgh
Mr. Cunha

Blackout to Support MSU Students

Hi Everyone!

As you all have probably heard the students of color from The University of Missouri at Mizzou have encountered a series of racial discrimination. Tomorrow (Friday, November 13, 2015) the students of MSU will be wearing all black to support the students at this time. We encourage all of you to join us in wearing as much black (in dress code sorry) as possible! We will also be taking a picture after classes in front of Reed if you would like to join in that.


 A’Shaela Chaires

GLSEN Conference this Saturday

Last chance to sign up for the GLSEN conference. We will leave from the Schoolhouse at 8:15 a.m. on Saturday and return to campus at 4 p.m.

Please email me if you would like to go. We have room for 1 or 2 more.

The theme of the 2015 GLSEN Fall Conference is “Both/And.” With this theme, we strive to explore our varied and multiple identities, how they connect and overlap, and how they are impacted by place and context. We want conference attendees to bring their whole selves to the conference and build together.

Matt Spearing
Director of Student Activities
Director of Inclusion
10th Grade Dean
Science, Coach, Dorm Head

Writing at Williston

Roundtable Discussion on WRITING AT WILLISTON

Wednesday, November 11th, 6:30 p.m. in the Dining Hall

This discussion is for both faculty and students

ANY and ALL are welcome.

We will talk about the best kinds of assignments and the most effective feedback. 

How have you learned the most as a writer? 

What kinds of feedback are most helpful for you?

Please join us and share your ideas and questions!


Please let me know if you plan to come! Thank you!

Math Resource Center Hours

Good Evening everyone!

              Just a friendly reminder from the Math Tutors that they are ready and willing to help you with preparing for quizzes, tests, and upcoming assessments!  Remember that we now offer tutoring on Wednesday evenings from 8 to 9 pm – a new addition to our schedule that started last week.  We hope, as always, that you will take advantage of this great resource.  The schedule is attached (just in case you misplaced the one I sent you last week!)

              Have a great night!

              Ms. Anderson

Screenshot 2015-11-03 11.28.04

Red Cross Blood Drive on Friday

Hi all,

Just an FYI that we are hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive this Friday from 9-2 in Reed (yes, Friday the 13th). Sign-ups have been going on at lunch, but I wanted to offer a chance for you to sign-up via email if that is easier.

There are plenty of time slots still available. Please let me know if you are available to donate that day, and what time would be convenient. For those interested, they will also take double red cell donations on Friday (they can do two at a time, every hour).

A huge thank you to those of you who have already signed up.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
All the best,

Kate Garrity
Williston Northampton School
(413) 529-3927