Diversity Day/ Chris Herren

I wanted to share a quick email with the entire Williston community in regards to Chris Herren who spoke on Friday.  The attention that you all gave him was unbelievably and I hope everyone learned “one thing” from his story.

You cancheck out his website at www.theherrenproject.org. Founded in 2011, the Herren Project is a 501(c)3 non-profit foundation that assists individuals and families struggling with addiction.

I also wanted to share that some students have asked about supporting his foundation and I believe this is going to be the charity that we use this year during the Police and Fire Department vs. Williston faculty basketball game that will take place on Friday night April 5th at 7:00pm.  This is a class Saturday so the entire boarding school will be here.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you’d like to learn more or help out with this event.

Thanks again for a successful Diversity Day!

Mike Athas

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