We’re excited to announce a new emergency alert system—called RAVE—at Williston. RAVE will replace SchoolReach, the system we used last year.
RAVE will allow us to call, text, and email emergency updates almost immediately. We will be testing the system on Wednesday, December 10, 2014 for faculty, staff, and students. A test message from RAVE will be sent at 8:30 a.m. to all employees, followed by a message to all students at 8:45 a.m.
Advisors, please take this time to talk about the importance of the emergency alert system and to follow any instructions in the message, should there be any. Students, you will receive a code word in your message, so tell your advisor what it is to make sure you have received the message properly.
If you are a student or a faculty or staff member and you do not receive the emergency test message on December 10, please contact the Security Department at (413) 529-3911 or email securitydepartment@williston.com.
Thank you for your help in testing our new system and keeping our community safe!
Anne O’Connor