Narrative Workshops with Brittany Collins ’14

Calling all dreamers, procrastinators, writers, notebook-doodlers, friends, chocolate chip cookie-lovers, authors-to-be, people who are afraid of the blank page, and any other breathing human being (that means YOU!)

This trimester, I am pursuing a senior project in creative nonfiction and memoir centered writing. I have focused on written identity and personal reflection through free-writing, and now it is YOUR turn to take part in what I’ve learned!

I will be hosting a series of four free-writing, personal narrative workshops. The first is this Monday, 4/28 from 6:45-7:45 in the Writing Center. There will be yummy treats, and perhaps some tea, so if you’re looking for a reason to attend… there’s your reason!

(For those of you who like to plan in advance, my next workshop will be this Friday. Same time, same place.)

What is free-writing, you ask? Fear not. I have an answer. Mr. Wikipedia describes the exercise by stating, “Free-writing is  a prewriting technique in which a person writes continuously for a set period of time without regard to spelling, grammar, or topic. It produces raw, often unusable material, but helps writers overcome blocks of apathy and self-criticism.”

Free-writing is for EVERYBODY! I will lead you in exercises that allow you to silence the editor in your head, write in an untamed manner, and delve into your personal experiences, beliefs, vulnerabilities, opinions, and identity. Free writing is not about your writing skills; it is about the process of discovering who you are on an individual level.

And don’t worry… you won’t have to share anything that you create!

So, I would very much like to see your lovely faces—teachers, staff, and students are all welcome— in the Writing Center at 6:45 on Monday night! Please bring pen/pencil/stylus and paper/surface as free-writes are typically hand written, not typed. Put this event into those handy dandy Outlook calendars, planners, post-it notes, and Siri reminders right now!

See you soon.

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