Daily Announcements from Williston Northampton

Last Week for the Math Resource Center

Good Morning!
First of all, I would like to thank all of our tutors who so selflessly gave of their time and effort to help their peers in need.
I would like to give special thanks to our senior tutors, some of whom have been tutoring for three years!  Nan Ding, Matt Cavanaugh, John Lee, Matt Mei, Nick Pattison and James Borden.
Your math tutors are ready and willing, as always, to help you prepare for your final quizzes, tests, and assessments, so take advantage of this fabulous resource!
Finish Strong!!

On behalf of the Math Department and the Math Tutors Extraordinaire,
Ms. Anderson

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AP European History Placement Test on May 21

All students who have signed up to take AP European History next year are required to sit for the Entry Test on Wednesday, May 21, 2014, from 1:00 – 2:00 pm in Reed 102. The test will require students to write an essay on a topic after reading a presentation document. No advance preparation is required or expected to take this test. Please bring at least two pens or pencils. Any student wishing to use a laptop may do so with prior History & Global Studies Department Head approval.

Eligibility for admission to AP European History is based on each student’s past performance in History and Global Studies Department courses, English courses, and the quality of their essays completed for the Entry Test.

All students who take the entry test will be notified about the outcome of their application by the History & Global Studies Department Head by Wednesday, May 28, 2014, via email.

Please contact me if you have any questions.
Mrs. Klumpp

AP U.S. History Placement Test Thursday at 3:10

All students interested in taking AP U.S. History next year that have not been exempted due to their performance in AP European History are required to take a placement test on Thursday, May 22 at 3:10 in Reed 204.  The test will require students to write an essay on a topic after reading several documents. No advance preparation is required or expected to take this test. Please bring at least two pens or pencils. Any student wishing to use a laptop may do so with prior History & Global Studies Department Head approval.

Eligibility for admission to AP U.S. History is based on each student’s past performance in History and Global Studies Department courses, English courses, and the quality of their essays completed for the Entry Test.

All students who take the entry test will be notified about the outcome of their application by the History & Global Studies Department Head by Wednesday, May 28, 2014, via email.

Please contact me if you have any questions.
Mr. Doubleday

Willy Gras 2014

                                Willy Gras 2014
Wednesday, May 21
· Tug of War on Sawyer Field (15 per class) 3:30 p.m.                 100 points
o   2014 vs. 2015, 2016 vs. 2017.  Winners face off in finals.

· Canoe Race (2 per class, names drawn from hat at assembly) 4 p.m.  100 points
o   2014 vs. 2017, 2015 vs 2016.  Winners face off in finals.

· Relay Race (45 per class, events attached) 4:45 p.m. 200 points
o   The class with the most total points wins. In the event of a tiebreaker, a decision will be made by a special competition at 5:30 p.m. under the tent.

To participate, submit your names to your Student Council Representatives. THEY ARE YOUR COACHES.  Who is going to win it all?

Run-off Elections for Student Council

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the excellent voter participation in Thursday’s Student Council elections which yielded some very tight races.  As a result, there is a need for additional voting which will be held on Tuesday, May 20th during lunch.  Please see below the candidates involved in the run-off elections in the Class of 2015 and 2016.  It is our desire to announce next year’s Student Council at Assembly on Wednesday, May 21st.
Ms. Noble

Class of 2015
Emmett O’Malley
Loren Po

Noah Jackson
Caleb Parker

Class Representative
Milo Cowles
Marie Innarelli

Class of 2016
Vice President
Abbie Foster
Calvin Ticknor-Swanson

Class Representative
Jen Cavazuti
Sideya Dill

Writing Center Hours This Week: GREEN is for GRADUATION

Congratulations to all the seniors graduating on Sunday!  A special thanks to my senior Writing Center Tutors:

Brittany Collins, Meredith Westover, Gabe Hohmann, Lily Sun, Rachel Lloyd, Abigail Rogers-Berner, Maddy Stern, Elizabeth Calderone, Nick Pattison, and Henry Lombino.  Be sure to thank them if you see them this week!

If you would like to be a Writing Center Tutor next year, one of your teachers needs to nominate you so that you can apply; we have a number of nominations already, but if you have a special interest, let one of your teachers know.

Finish the year with gusto, people!  Make a visit to the Writing Center!  Also, don’t skip Assembly on Wednesday…you’re in for a treat.

Here are the hours for this week:

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Birch Dining Hall Commons Menu: May 18-24

Pancakes, blueberry-pear cobbler, bacon, hash browns, make your own waffles-toppings
yogurt, assorted eggs and omelets at the grill

Beef Gyros,  chicken tenders with barbeque or teriyaki sauce, tater tots, mixed squash, corn dogs
Pasta bar: Pasta, marinara sauce, pesto sauce and roasted vegetables

Poached eggs, corned beef hash, home fries, yogurt bar
Grill: Assorted eggs

Vegetarian split pea or mulligatawny soup, bbq pork fillet, vegetarian blackend tofu, Capri  blend vegetables, Create your own panini with roast beef and assorted vegetables, grilled chicken, ciabatta bread
Pasta bar: Meat ravioli, cheese tortellini, tomato or herb sauce

Barbeque for dinner

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