Annette Churchill Hodesh ’40

ChurchillAnnette Churchill Hodesh died peacefully in her sleep at her son’s home in Ann Arbor on February 27, 2014 at the age of 91.

She was born Annette Churchill to Marie and Nelson Churchill in Northampton, MA, attended the Northampton School for Girls and Smith College then moved with her husband Robert Hodesh and their young family to Ann Arbor in 1948.

Annette wrote spirited profiles of notable Ann Arborites and restaurant reviews for the Ann Arbor Observer in the 1970’s and 1980’s. She was a celebrated raconteur who enjoyed entertaining and cooking for friends at her beloved stone cottage on Devonshire Road. Annette was a proud descendant of her German grandmother and French mother’s culinary heritage and from that perspective became a life student of American cooking. She was interested in recipes of all pedigree from Julia Child to the back of a Bisquick box judging each with an unerring sense of what good American food could be. Her attention to detail compelled her to taste a carrot before adding it to a stew so that an adjustment for it’s sweetness could be made.

Annette was predeceased by her husband Robert in 1997 and is survived by her son Mark, daughter-in-law Margaret Parker and granddaughter Jeanne Hodesh of Brooklyn, NY.

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