Troy R. Price ’88

Troy R. Price, 50, a four-time cancer survivor, passed away on Thursday, April 16, 2020 from COVID-19. Troy courageously battled Leukemia for over six years, and was inspired to live every day of his life to the fullest. Troy leaves the love of his life, Mary, and his daughters Emma and Anna. Troy and Mary spent 31 amazing years together. They were truly best friends, and Troy woke up every day so full of love and gratitude for Mary. Troy’s favorite job was being a dad. He always told his girls how much he loved them, and they will carry his love and light with them every day of their lives. Additionally, his mother, Dixie, provided love and support to him through every high and low moment throughout his life. Troy’s light will continue to shine on all of those he impacted, and he will forever be Troy Strong. All services were private. Barry J. Farrell Funeral Home handled arrangements.

4 thoughts on “Troy R. Price ’88”

  1. I remember Troy well from our time in the Caterwaulers. He had a stellar voice and really kept the spirit up.

    I’m very sad to hear the news. My condolences to his wife and children.

  2. I remember Troy from our time in Carterwaulers together. Though we were separated by a year I remember him fondly from our time together in the Dodge Room and around campus and on the athletic fields. Sending my condolences and prayers for peace to his entire family.

  3. Troy was someone at Williston that was always kind, whether you were his friend or not. I was lucky enough to develop a friendship with him after WNS and he became such an important part of my life in past few years after my oldest son was gravely injured. We supported each other through some tough times and he became one of my sons biggest cheerleaders. I will never forget his kindness.

  4. Troy had a great smile, and a kind and generous personality. I’m so sorry to learn of his passing, and send warmth and love to his family.

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