One thought on “David Rimmer ’67”

  1. I am heartsick at the loss of my friend of fifty-two years. Dave and I met when we were fifteen, and he was the first person who got and shared my sense of humor. Equally important, he got me involved in the theater which provided us with a social life as we did our plays with Northampton School for girls (now part of the merged Williston-Northampton School.) It was a revelation to realize that there was an entire group of oddballs I could relate to, and miracle of miracles, the girls seemed to like the oddballs. Dave’s unapologetic embrace of the arts at a time when athletics was the dominant social yardstick of the school broadened my horizons and helped me to accept and honor my own idiosyncrasies.

    I went off to Tufts, Dave to Amherst and we rode the Mass Pike back and forth visiting each other during college. We went to each other’s weddings, spoke at least once a week, and made certain we got together whenever I was in New York. The anticipation and pleasure of going to the Apple will never be the same.

    My deepest condolences go to Dave’s wife, Ellen, his sister Ethel, his brother Peter, and to their families with whom he was close and beloved. To the rest of Dave’s friends, know that I share your shock and grief. We have lost part of ourselves, and it is now incumbent on us to pass on the love, joy and laughter Dave brought to the world.

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