Mark C. Reichenbacher ’71

Mark Charles Reichenbacher, age 67, of Alexandria, Virginia passed away on Sunday, August 29, 2021.
Mark grew up in the Boston area before attending Williston. He was active in choirs starting at Williston and continued to sing in church throughout his life. He earned degrees from the University of Indiana and the University of Massachusetts and had a career as a labor relations specialist with the Departments of Labor and Agriculture in Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. He fought cancer for five years and founded an internet support group for glosectomy and laryngectomy patients.
Mark is survived by his wife, Susan; his children, David, Sarah, and Lisa; his brothers, David ’69, and Bruce ’74, and their families.

19 thoughts on “Mark C. Reichenbacher ’71”

  1. Mark and I started Williston in Sawyer Dorm in the fall of 1967. He was kind, smart and he was one of those people who was easy to like. The school had a somewhat caustic and irreverent atmosphere then resulting in a distinct absence of empathy among most of us and Mark was the exception. I did not see him after graduation, but I am certain he lived a productive and meaningful life. It’s so sad that he died so young. Blessings to his family. Ned

      1. Hello David, I was thinking about Mark; he was a awesome family guy, loved his wife, family and a good supervisor and friend. In my prayers friend!

  2. Living across the hall at Ford, I quickly recognized Mark for his thoughtfulness and kindness. He was an exceptional person and made a lasting impression on me. Thank you Mark for walking the path of a good man.

  3. I was saddened to hear of Mark’s passing away. As John Hilliard mentioned abov, Mark was distinguished with the noble traits of thoughtfulness and kindness.

    We had been good friends at Williston and had spent many years of our working careers in Washington, DC. When Mark worked at the USDA headquarters, we would occasionally have lunch an reminisce about our Williston years.

    My sincerest condolences to his family.

    -John Sullivan, ’71

  4. Mark was indeed a voice of reason, thoughtfulness, and caring during his days at Williston. Although we worked in different US Govt. departments in different parts of the country, our paths crossed a couple of times over the years. He was an exemplary and committed public servant. And, more importantly, totally devoted to his family. May he be at peace now and always.

  5. Mark was such a good person. I’m happy that we were able to reconnect on Facebook over the last couple of years. My condolences to his family.

  6. I didn’t know Mark all that well from my days at Willy Prep, but I mourn his loss myself as well as for his loss to the group that is the class of ’71. My thoughts go out to his family. I’m sorry his life was cut a bit shorter than others. Rest peacefully Mark.

  7. While I did not share dorm life with Mark or much classroom time, our paths crossed enough for me to know him as a genuine, thoughtful, kind and interesting person. I very much enjoyed our conversations and time shared.
    My condolences go out to his family, close friends and colleagues. I am truly sorry he has passed too soon!
    Kurt Elmstrom

  8. I was Mark’s first college roommate after having been paired with him at the University of New Mexico in the Fall of 1971. We became good friends and remained good friends for the rest of his life. I also met his brother Bruce when we all spent one Summer working in the old Statler Hilton Hotel in Boston. He was one quietly tough cookie and I admired the way he carried himself with dignity through two life altering fights with cancer. I believe he is now in a better place. I will always remember him.

  9. Mark and I were roommates in John Wright Hall during our senior year. We were floor proctors. He helped me tremendously on my English essays. I helped him with Calculus, even though he helped me with one of my mental blocks on a calculus concept. Mark and I stayed close after graduation but drifted apart as we pursued our own respective careers. I did visit him a couple of time including his wedding to Susan. Mark was a fighter and never let his cancer get him down. He always thought positively even though he knew the beast would take over him someday. I wish I have his courage when that day comes for me. Mark is no longer suffering now and may he rest in peace. I will miss him and remember him. [2020 was a tough year for me, I lost my #1 and #2 Best Friend.]

  10. David, I’m writing because I just discovered this obituary for Mark. I am Lacy Simms granddaughter and we met Mark as part of our “second family” after Lacy married Edith. It is with great sadness to hear of Mark’s passing. While it has been many years since we saw Mark, I remember him as a dear person. My condolences to you and Susan and the extended Reichenbacher family.

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