Daily Announcements from Williston Northampton

Williston Scholars Info

Thanks for your attention this morning! Have a great day!
Ms. Evelti

Williston Scholars
· Courses for this year:

Williston Scholars History, Ms. Klumpp, Period G
Williston Scholars Performing Arts, Ms. Ditkovski with Mr. Raffetto, Period E

Williston Scholars English (for AP English 12 seniors and all juniors), Ms. Mantegna, Period B
Williston Scholars Science, Mr. Pelliccia, Period D
Williston Scholars Visual Arts, Ms. Hume, Mr. Roe, & Mr. Hing, Period C

· Williston scholars program consists of trimester elective classes for juniors, seniors, (and sometimes motivated sophomores,) where teachers guide a group of students through their own individual trimester-long projects using our resources and those available to us in the greater community, including those at the Five Colleges.
· Replaces what used to be “directed studies” and “senior projects” in the English, History, Visual & Performing Arts, and Science Departments.
· Instead of the teachers picking the topics for the courses as they did in previous years’ scholars courses, students bring their ideas to the teacher.
· The courses are Honors and are graded, giving you the GPA bump like other honors and AP courses. Exemplary projects are also honored at Graduation or the Academic Awards Ceremony.
· To sign up, tell your advisor! You need to add this to your T2 /T3 course confirmation form if you’d like to add the course this year.
· You don’t need to show up to the first day of class with a fully formed idea, just a passion for the subject and the eagerness to immerse yourself in a project for a whole term.
· Might want to do this, but unsure? Bring me or the scholars teacher in your subject your questions!

Winter Afternoon Program Signup


If you are not signed up or need to change your choice for the Winter Afternoon Program, please email Mr. Grant.

Below are your options. If you have further questions please stop by and see me.

Mr. Grant

-All Upper School students are required to participate all three trimesters
-11th & 12th grade – minimum of one group option per year
-9th & 10th grade – minimum of two group options per year
-8th grade – must participate for two trimesters in two different group options
-7th grade – no required participation

Students wishing to pursue any special project or exemption, including an outside sport, sport specialization, academic or art related endeavor, or any other type of project must apply to the Special Project Committee by Friday, November 13th. The application form for a Special Project may be found on WillyNet under Academic Resources. If you cannot locate it I will email you one.

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Writing Center Hours This Week: GREEN WEEK 10/28-11/1

We’re here all the time to help you with your writing questions, your college essays, ETC.!  Remember, no need to make an appointment: just come by!


Here are the hours for this week:

Wednesday (today!)

9:05 a.m. to 12:25 p.m. (C, A, D)

7:45 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. (study hall)



9:40 a.m. to 10:40 a.m. (E)

12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. (C1, C2)

7:45 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. (study hall)



9:40 a.m. to 1 p.m. (G, A, B1)

1:40 p.m. to 2:40 p.m. (D)


Next Sunday (11/1)

7:45 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. (study hall)


Sarah Sawyer
Director of the Writing Center

English Teacher

CID on Breast Cancer on November 3

A huge thanks to Sofia Flores, Chris Espinal, and Senor Garcia for starting our Cultural Identity (CID) nights representing their Hispanic Heritage and sharing a piece of themselves with us.

Our next CID will focus on those who have dealt with breast cancer. I have been affected by breast cancer with my grandmother on my dad’s side, Grammy, dying after battling breast cancer in 1993. If you have directly or indirectly been affected by breast cancer, and would like to share your experience in a safe environment, please email me by the end of the week. 

Breast Cancer Awareness CID

Dining Commons Cox Room

Tuesday, November 3 from 6:00 pm – 7:00 p.m.

CIDs are a chance for Sharing: Our cultural identity is a powerful recognition of who we are and there is brain science behind why it is healthy to do.

These shared experiences make us a stronger community.

Each person’s story is their own, and it is only true for them at the moment they share. It may change over time as we are all changing.

It is understood that these cultural identities should stay in the room as a safe space, and some may share something there that they don’t want to share with others.

We are putting ourselves out there and are making ourselves vulnerable by sharing, so we need to respect that vulnerability by listening respectfully.

We understand that we are all busy, and it may happen that you need to leave during the talks. Some may join us during the talks too.

[if !supportLists]7)     [endif]If someone is affected by any of the stories shared, there are adults to speak with like Mr. Spearing, Ms. Brown, your advisors, Mr. Thompson, etc.

Join the Movember Team

Dear Williston,

In just 11 short days the month of Movember will begin. With this Mr. Cunha and I will start growing a few of the finest mustaches you have ever seen. Our purpose is to raise awareness for Men’s Health Issues. These include cancer and mental health issues.

Our campaign is open to all men, women, boys, girls and even a few toddlers (my niece and nephew sport a few Movember things each year) We encourage all who want to join us, by growing a mustache, donating or just spreading the word, to following the link bellow to our team page. There you will find the current and growing list of team members and information about the movement. 


As you may have noticed our team name is Williston Wildstache Hockey. The movement started here at Williston as a thing the hockey team did. However, it has grown beyond these humble beginnings. We encourage and welcome all, those who can grow and those who cannot.

If you have any questions about joining the team, the Movember movement itself or anything about Men’s Health, please feel free to ask myself, Mr. Cunha or any of our current members.

Here’s to growing as a community in all the ways we can,


Alex Rivenburgh

History and Global Studies

Ultimate Frisbee Head Coach

Movember Participant 6 years strong


Dining Hall Hours for Long Weekend

Good morning All,

Below are the Dining Hall hours for this coming Long Weekend for those of you that will be joining us for a meal or two. For those who will not be on campus, enjoy your long weekend with your friends and family!

Saturday Dinner 5:15-6:30

Sunday Brunch 10:30-12
Sunday Dinner 5:15-6:30

Monday Breakfast 7:30-8:30
Monday lunch-no meal in dining hall
Monday Dinner-no meal in dining hall

Tuesday Brunch 10:30-12
Tuesday Dinner 5:15-7:00

Have a great rest of your week!

Mrs. Derby

Activities Oct 23-27

October 23-27, 2015

Off-Campus Trips meet faculty at the Schoolhouse.

  • Friday October 23
    • Fall Play Euripedes’ Trojan Women 7:30 p.m.
    • Varsity Football vs. WMA Community Event 6 p.m.
    • Open Reed 7-10:45 p.m.
    • Open Gym 7-10:45 p.m.
  • Saturday October 24
    • Fall Play Euripedes’ Trojan Women 7:30 p.m.
    • Trip to the Movies at West Springfield 6 p.m. departure
    • Northampton Shuttle #1 7:15-9:45 p.m., #2 7:45-10:15 p.m.
    • Open Reed 7-10:45 p.m.
    • Open Gym 7-10:45 p.m.
  • Sunday, October 25
    • Open Reed 1-5 p.m.
    • Open Gym 1-5 p.m.
    • Holyoke Mall Trips
      • Shuttle #1: Depart Schoolhouse 12 pm, Depart Mall 2:15 pm
      • Shuttle #2: Depart Schoolhouse 1 pm, Depart Mall 3:15 pm
    • Check in to dorms at 9 p.m.
  • Monday, October 26
    • Breakfast 7:15-8:15 a.m. Snacks on the bus.
    • Required day trip to Boston. Check-In to buses @ Reed 8:45 a.m.
  • Tuesday, October 27
    • Open Reed 12-5 p.m.
    • Open Gym 12-3 p.m.

If you sign up for weekend activities, you are expected to attend. If you do not attend, and do not alert Mr. Spearing, the faculty chaperone, or the Dean on Duty prior to the event you will lose weekend privileges the following week.

Assemblies This Week

On this Wednesday, we will be having an Upper School Assembly in the Chapel at 8:30 a.m., not Advisories.  This is a great opportunity to make school-wide announcements, so please let me know by 4 p.m. tomorrow if you’d like to make an announcement or presentation.  All video materials should be emailed to Mr. Raffetto at that time.

On Friday, we will have an Upper School Assembly in the Athletic Center at 11:15 a.m. and there are limited openings for announcements. 

Kathy Noble
Dean of Students