Thomas Woodmansee Taylor ’56 died June 16, 2012 at the age of 75.
He is survived by his wife of 50 years, Tallulah, daughters, Mary Branham of Centreville, MD, Ann Jones of Atlanta and
son Thomas Jr. of St. Petersburg ,and 3 grandchildren, Cate and Grace Jones and
Annabelle Branham.
Tom attended the University of Pennsylvania and was graduated with a BA in journalism. His career was in advertising and marketing in New York City, Chapel Hill, NC and St. Petersburg. He was an avid cook and sports enthusiast he played tennis and was frustrated by golf. After retirement, Tom enjoyed travelling.
Tom and I roomed together our junior year at Williston. I am so regretful we did not stay in touch, particularly when I read of his career path and marriage of five decades. He was a wonderful guy, a true friend and a lot of fun to share space with. His ready laugh and trade-mark dimples gave away his zest for living.
We were so innocent, Tom, you and I. And yes Roger, I recall him too in terms of that ready laugh and innocent face.
Williston Academy: 1952-1956. We had of course no idea of how terribly privileged we all were, those many years ago. Perhaps in the years ahead those of us who enjoyed such wonderful years can get to know each other just a bit better. Not our of nostalgia, but out of a pure love of life.
What I can kick in here is that my work — which continues since I never had a “job” — permits me to be traced no more than a few clicks away: World Streets at and my work on the vaguest topic on the planet, “sustainable development” at One does what one can.
Now what about you? How can I and the others keep track of you, as our band slowly starts to slip away?
Eric Britton from Lyon France, and happy to hear from you.