Daily Announcements from Williston Northampton

Emergency System Test on Wednesday

We’re excited to announce a new emergency alert system—called RAVE—at Williston. RAVE will replace SchoolReach, the system we used last year.

RAVE will allow us to call, text, and email emergency updates almost immediately. We will be testing the system on Wednesday, December 10, 2014 for faculty, staff, and students. A test message from RAVE will be sent at 8:30 a.m. to all employees, followed by a message to all students at 8:45 a.m.

Advisors, please take this time to talk about the importance of the emergency alert system and to follow any instructions in the message, should there be any. Students, you will receive a code word in your message, so tell your advisor what it is to make sure you have received the message properly.

If you are a student or a faculty or staff member and you do not receive the emergency test message on December 10, please contact the Security Department at (413) 529-3911 or email securitydepartment@williston.com.

Thank you for your help in testing our new system and keeping our community safe!

Anne O’Connor

Three Faculty Members Named Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts

On December 4, Microsoft selected Williston faculty members Josh Seamon, Mattie Byrd McHold, and Kim Evelti to be members of the Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert Program for 2015.

According to a press release from Microsoft, “MIE Experts work closely with Microsoft to lead innovation in education, build educator capacity for using technology to improve student learning and advocate and share their experiences in how technology improves teaching and learning.”

As MIE Experts, the three Williston faculty members will receive free Microsoft tools and technology and professional development opportunities through Microsoft. They will also have opportunities to speak at Microsoft conferences and are eligible to earn an all-expense paid trip to the Microsoft in Education Global Forum in Redmond, Washington in April 2015.

“Throughout the year, we have fun and exciting plans for you!”  Anthony Salcito, vice president of Worldwide Education, Microsoft Corp wrote in an email to each of the 800 MIE Experts. “We want to support you in your professional development, enable you to learn from each other and also work with you to build your brand.”

In November, Microsoft announced that the Williston Northampton School had been selected as one of 150 Microsoft in Education Showcase Schools, a designation that recognizes innovators in leading and learning. Williston launched a Curricular Technology Initiative (CTI) last year, which included issuing Microsoft Surface Pro with such essential systems as Windows 8, OneDrive, OneNote, and video and audio conferencing features to every faculty member and student on campus.


Field Trip to Easthampton Wastewater Treatment Plant on Dec. 9

Students in AP Environmental Science will visit the Easthampton Wastewater Treatment Plant on Tuesday, December 9. This field trip, from 1:40 p.m. – 3 p.m., is required for the 10 students who are enrolled in APES and will be overseen by science teacher Matt Spearing.

Easthampton Wastewater Treatment Plant Field Trip 2013

During a similar trip last year, Sally Peters, the Coordinator of the Industrial Pretreatment Program at the City of Easthampton Wastewater Treatment Facility, gave the class an extensive tour of the facilities. The tour started at the influent where the wastewater drains from all over town and included the primary physical separation of solid material takes place, followed by biological breakdown in the secondary treatment with bacteria and protozoa doing most of the work, and then the final settling tanks and chlorine added to the effluent.

See photos from the 2013 trip.

Concert on Wednesday

Hello All,

Please join us Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. in the Dodge Room of the Reed Campus Center for a special opportunity to enjoy some wonderful music. You’ll hear a brief recital of unaccompanied viola music from the past 300 years performed by professional musician and composer Scott Slapin. The program includes Bach’s Chaconne, Paganini’s 13th Caprice, John Duke’s Sonata for Viola, and two works by Mr. Slapin. Please spread the word to those in our community who may not see this and we’ll see you then!

Mr. Demerath

Writing Center Hours for This Week: GREEN WEEK 12/7-12/14

Bags for the sleigh or a big pile of unedited papers?  You decide.
Come to the Writing Center…We promise not to be Grinch-y!

Here are the hours for this week:

Sunday (tonight!)
7:45 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. (study hall)

8:40 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. (D, F, C)
7:45 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. (study hall)

8:30 a.m. to 2:40 p.m. (ALL DAY)
7:45 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. (study hall)

Continue reading

Emergency Test Message

This morning at 9:00 a.m. Williston sent the test from RAVE, our new emergency alert system, to parents and guardians. If you are a parent or guardian, I hope you received the following email, phone call, and text message from the school.

“This is a TEST of the Williston Northampton School Emergency Alert System.  This is only a TEST.”

If you did not receive the emergency test, you will need to update your emergency contact information as soon as possible. You can do so by visiting the Williston website, clicking login at the top right of the page to access WillyNet, and then by clicking on My Information. Please click on My Family on the top of the page, and chose My Personal Contact Information. If any information needs to be updated, please make those changes there. If you need help making those changes, please contact the Technology Office at (413) 529-3338 or email support@williston.com.

Faculty and students will also receive a test message on Wednesday, December 10.

Thank you for helping us keep our emergency contact information up to date and for your cooperation this morning. We’re grateful for your part in keeping our community safe.


Anne O’Connor
Director of Security

Weekend Activities Dec 12-14

Friday, December 12

  • Assembly 8:30 a.m.
  • 9th Grade Dodgeball in the Gym, 10th Grade Bowling Night
  • Open Gym 7-10:45 p.m.
  • Open Reed with movie and popcorn 7:15-10:45 p.m.o   Board Game Night in Reed
  • Northampton Shuttle 7:15-10:45 p.m.

Saturday, December 13

  • Faculty Talent Show 9 p.m. in the Williston Theatre
  • Boys Hockey vs. Gunnery 6 p.m.
  • Open Gym 7-10:45 p.m.
  • Open Reed with popcorn and movie 7:15-10:50 p.m.
  • Trip to the West Springfield Movies 6:45-10:30 p.m.

Sunday, December 14

  • Habitat for Humanity 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
  • Open Reed NFL on big screen with pizza and wings 1-5 p.m.
  • Open Gym 1:15-5:15 p.m.
  • Holyoke Mall 1-5 p.m. Mini Bus 2
  • Ski Trip to Berkshire East 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
  • Faculty vs. Student Soccer Game on Sawyer Field 2:30-3:30 p.m.
  • Classical Music trip depart 3:30 p.m.

Food Drive Update

As many of you have seen, the Community Service Club’s Food Drive is up and running.  We have three drop-off locations set up for you to leave your non-perishable items: in the front of the Dining Hall, next to Mrs. Motyka’s desk in the Schoolhouse, and in the Middle School.  The collected donations will be given to the Easthampton Community Center and to the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts.  The drive will be running until December 16th, so please help our community to impact this season’s holiday hunger!

Thank you so much!
-Emily Yeager and Emily Grussing