I’ve linked below to my presentation on gradebooks from closing meetings. I hope that our conversation helped you think about how you grade and why you make the choices that you do. Please continue this conversation with each other and feel free to reach out with questions about your specific gradebook circumstances.
Navigating the world of educational technology can be daunting. With so many paths to choose from and ladders to learn how to climb, it’s quite easy to become lost and frustrated. When the educational technology world looks something like this:
XKCD Online Communities V2.0
…it’s no wonder many people are intimidated.
My #1 goal is to make your educational technology life easier.
On this site I will be sharing success stories, compiling a database of helpful articles, and posting best practices. I aim to meet you where you are and give you imminently practical ways you can integrate technology effectively into your classroom tomorrow, next semester, and for years to come.
I would like to hear from you when you:
1) Want to learn more: Are you not sure where to go with a particular tool? Have you heard of something you’d like to try, but don’t know where to start? Contact me.
2) Get frustrated: Right when you start to feel the beginning wave of frustration, reach out. I love solving EdTech problems.
3) Any time you want to reach out!