Amazing OneNote Upgrade!

This just in from Kim Evelti:

If you’ve been dreaming or scheming ways to make your class notebooks more awesome than they already are, look no further! Microsoft recently issued an “add-in” for OneNote (which is just a little file you install to give yourself new functionality in an existing program) that’s specifically designed for Class Notebooks.


And a few highlights:

  • Create a new section in all student notebooks at once
  • Distribute a page to all students at once (Middle School – I’m talking to you!)
  • Launch an external window that lets you navigate to all students’ work for a particular assignment quickly instead of having to find them one-by-one
  • Shortcut to the place where you add/remove students and get notebook links

For more info or to get this yourself, click here:

This has already saved me at least 20 minutes and that was just after 1 class! Looks like I’ll have time for a second daily Tandem run.

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