AMC 8 Update

AMC-lgoI am very excited to announce that 29 students have signed up to participate in the AMC 8! Student who are on the list will be emailed shortly. We have space for a few more participants, so if you’re interested in joining the fun (and you’re in 7th or 8th grade), please talk to Ms. Fulcher or Mr. Seamon.

The contest will take place on Tuesday, 11/18 from 2:30 to 3:30 in WB. Any Williston 7th and 8th grader is welcome to participate. The competition itself lasts 40 minutes and is comprised of 25 multiple choice questions. No calculators are allowed and there is no penalty for guessing. Cookies and other refreshments will be provided after the competition.

An information letter for parents can be viewed right here (PDF). A summary of the contest rules is also available (PDF) and a more detailed competition FAQ is also online.

Here are the problems from a few past years:
2012 Problems2012 Solutions
2011 Problems2011 Solutions
2010 Problems2010 Solutions
2009 Problems2009 Solutions
2008 Problems, 2008 Solutions

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