AMC10 + AMC12 2022 Results!

On November 10th and 16th a total of 17 students sat for the AMC10 and AMC12 events!

Please join me in congratulating the top finishers!

1st = Leo Ahtaridis & Junwon Park (Tie)
3rd = Branon Guo

1st = Jeffrey Warner
2nd = Getchell Gibbons & Joe Zhou (Tie)

1st = Leo Ahtaridis
2nd = Junwon Park
3rd = Jack Berrien

1st = Jeffrey Warner
2nd = Joe Zhou
3rd = Getchell Gibbons

NEML 2 Results 22-23!

26 students sat for the second round of the New England Math League! Mathletes from grades 7th through 12th were represented!

In a VERY tough round the team finished with an average individual score of 1.96 and a team score of 20!

Here are the top finishers by grade:

  • 12th – 3 points – Connor Capshaw, Daniel Zhang
  • 11th – 5 points – Jeffrey Warner
  • 10th – 4 points – Jack Berrien
  • 9th – 4 points – Brandon Guo, Douglas Warner
  • 8th – 2 points – Leo Ahtaridis
  • 7th – 2 points – Mia Pasternak

The team score (20) is the sum of our top 5 scores:

  • 5 points: Jeffrey Warner
  • 4 points: Jack Berrien, Brandon Guo, Douglas Warner
  • 3 points: Connor Capshaw, Mason Mish, Daniel Zhang, Catie Spence, Charlotte Zeng, Danie Zhang

The third round of the New England Math League will take place on Tuesday, December 12th in Schoolhouse 25! Anyone at any level of math is welcome to compete! The competition lasts 30 minutes, you may use a calculator, and you must begin before 3:15pm.