This year we are offering TWO AMC competition dates!
The AMC10/12A will take place on Thursday, 1/30/20 from 9:40 to 11:10am in Plimpton. [You’d miss F period and the first 10 minutes of G period. It’s a green Thursday.]
The AMC10/12B will take place on Wednesday, 2/5/20 from 9:40 to 11:10am in Plimpton. [You’d miss E period and assembly. It’s a blue Wednesday.]
Student can sign up for BOTH competitions! [They are the same difficulty.]
A strong AMC score can be an EXCELLENT thing to submit on college applications! (It’s TOTALLY optional to submit your score.)
For complete competition information and to sign up, please head over to this page.
The Williston Math team is super excited to announce the 1st annual Whitaker-Bement Girls in Mathematics Competition!
Our vision is to bring together 100+ elementary and middle school girls for a day of fun centered around mathematics, empowerment, and growing a strong female-centric mathematics community!
The event will take place on Sunday, January 19th, 2020 at the Williston Northampton School. Team check in will begin at 8am and the event will conclude at 3:30pm.
The event is absolutely free!
The event is being built by members of Williston’s math team!
Complete event information including how to register is online here.
Broadcasting the successes of the Williston Math Team