NEML ’21-’22 Results!

The final results are in!

The Williston Math Team finished 15th out of 119 teams in New England!

Overall, 41 Williston students compete this year!

Here are Williston’s top 10 finishers:

1st = Jack Berrien (27 points)
2nd = Shuei Harada, Jeffrey Warner (25 points)
4th = Jerry Landman, Bruton Strange (23 points)
6th = Getchell Gibbons (22 points)
7th = Francis Cataldo (21 points)
8th = Anita Hua, Joe Zhou (18 points)
10th = Alan Rodal (17 points)

Here are Williston’s top finishers by grade:

2022: 1st = Jerry Landman & Bruton Strange, 3rd = Francis Cataldo
2023: 1st = Shuei Harada, 2nd = Getchell Gibbons, 3rd = Shirley Shi
2024: 1st = Jeffrey Warner, 2nd = Joe Zhou, 3rd = Jonah Berry Brown
2025: 1st = Jack Berrien, 2nd = Dionysus Lively, 3rd = Edmon Tong
2027: 1st = Leo Ahtaridis

Go Wildcats!

The third annual Whitaker-Bement Girls in Mathematics Competition is now online!

All competition questions were designed by Williston Math Team members!

Answers need to be submitted by May 6th, 2022 @ 11:59pm EST! (File upload of PDF/photo of answers.)

There are 6 questions, you get 30 minutes, and calculators are allowed.

Event questions should be sent to Josh Seamon-Ingalls (

Competition questions and info on how to submit your answers is online at:

Students from anywhere in the world are welcome to compete as long as they meet the event eligibility guidelines.

To be eligible to compete in the WBGMC 2022, students must meet all of the following criteria:

a) Have a passion for problem-solving!

b) Be female or non-binary in gender identity.

c) Be in grade 9 or below OR under 15.5 years of age on April 29th, 2022.