AMC10/12 2017 – Signup Form

AMC-lgoThe 2017 American Mathematics Competitions 10 and 12 will take place on Wednesday, 2/15 from 8:30 to 10am in Plimpton.

Anyone with any experience with at least Algebra 2 is welcome to participate!

Everyone who wishes to participate must sign up using this online form by Monday, 1/30. There are 20 spots for each competition. Spots will be given out on a first-come first-served basis.

Here are some practice problems:

2008 AMC 10: Questions, Answers
2010 AMC 10: Questions, Answers
2008 AMC 12: Questions, Answers
2010 AMC 12: Questions, Answers

About the competitions:

The AMC 10 is a 25-question, 75-minute, multiple choice examination in secondary school mathematics containing problems which can be understood and solved with algebra and geometry concepts.

The AMC 12 is a 25-question, 75-minute, multiple choice examination in secondary school mathematics containing problems which can be understood and solved with pre-calculus concepts.

No questions on either competition require the use of a calculator. No calculators may be used during the competitions.

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