All posts by Josh Seamon

Ji Soo Hwang Has Qualified for the USA Math Olympiad!

Ji Soo

By virtue of her 249 index score (AMC12A + 10*AIME score), Ji Soo Hwang ’21 has qualified for the highly selective USA Math Olympiad!

The 2021 USAMO is a two-day event. Each day (April 13th and 14th), Ji Soo will be working on 3 different problems for 4.5 hours.

The top scorers on the USAMO go on to participate in the Math Olympiad Program, a summer program at Carnegie Mellon University. The main purpose of MOP, held since 1974, is to select and train the six members of the U.S. team for the International Mathematical Olympiad.

Good luck Ji Soo!

NEML and AMC Results!

Our AMC10/12 results are in! Here are our top scorers!

1st – Yihong Zhou
2nd – Shuei Harada
3rd – Daniel Zhang
1st – Ji Soo Hwang
2nd – Junseok Hwang
3rd – Yaning Shi
1st – Junseok Hwang
2nd – Cici Yu
3rd – Yihong Zhou
1st – Ji Soo Hwang
2nd – Yaning Shi
3rd – Qingyun Pan

A big congratulations to Ji Soo Hwang and Junseok Hwang for scoring high enough to qualify for the prestigious AIME!

After 5 rounds of the New England Math League we are currently in 15th place out of 75 teams! The 6th and last round will begin on March 15th!

Here are our overall top scoring mathletes!

1st – Vishal Ramvelu – 25 points
2nd – Anita Hua – 23 points
3rd – Joe Zhou – 20 points
4th – Anfisa Bogdanenko – 17 points
5th – Jack Berrien – 11 points

Here are our top scorers by grade! (1st, 2nd, 3rd)

2021 – Anfisa Bogdanenko, Nikhil Sierros, Ji Soo Hwang
2022 – Vishal Ramvelu, Anita Hua, Francis Cataldo
2023 – Avi Falk, Olivia Lu, Louisa Coughlin
2024 – Joe Zhou, Crystal Tan, Charlotte Zeng
2025 – Jack Berrien

AMC10/12 Signups!

The AMC10/12 competitions are coming up!

Email Mr. Seamon ( if you’d like to compete!

The AMC 10 and AMC 12 are both 25-question, 75-minute, multiple choice examinations in high school mathematics designed to promote the development and enhancement of problem-solving skills. The competitions will be given online. You’ll be able to take them from anywhere in the world. Complete info about the events is online here.

Not only are the competitions extremely fun, strong AMC scores can help you stand out during the college application process!

The AMC10A and AMC12A competitions will be given on February 4th.

The AMC10B and AMC12B competitions will be given on February 10th.

The A and B dates are the same difficulty. You can participate in BOTH events, but only at ONE level, either 10 or 12. (The advantage to competing on both dates is that you get two chances to score higher enough to qualify for the next competition, the AIME.)

The AMC 10 is for students in 10th grade and below, and covers the high school curriculum up to 10th grade. Students in grade 10 or below and under 17.5 years of age on the day of the contest can take the AMC 10.

The AMC 12 covers the entire high school curriculum including trigonometry, advanced algebra, and advanced geometry, but excluding calculus. Students in grade 12 or below and under 19.5 years of age on the day of the contest can take the AMC 12.

Lots of AMC example problems and solutions are online here.

2019 AMC 8 Problems and Answers

A whole cadre of students from the Williston Middle School sat for the super fun AMC 8 math competition back on November 14th!

We should be getting their scores soon, but in the meantime, everyone can check out the 2019 AMC 8 questions and answers!

AMC 2020 Signups!

This year we are offering TWO AMC competition dates!

The AMC10/12A will take place on Thursday, 1/30/20 from 9:40 to 11:10am in Plimpton. [You’d miss F period and the first 10 minutes of G period. It’s a green Thursday.]

The AMC10/12B will take place on Wednesday, 2/5/20 from 9:40 to 11:10am in Plimpton. [You’d miss E period and assembly. It’s a blue Wednesday.]

Student can sign up for BOTH competitions! [They are the same difficulty.]

A strong AMC score can be an EXCELLENT thing to submit on college applications! (It’s TOTALLY optional to submit your score.)

For complete competition information and to sign up, please head over to this page.