11/3 Meeting

Despite having a limited amount of time due to the daylight savings-induced modified schedule, 17 students and I got through lots of fun Math Team work!

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We worked through four more NEML practice problems spanning all sorts of topics. You can view the problems (and answers) right here (PDF).

I encouraged everyone to work on the Math Talent Search problems and turn in work to me by Wednesday, morning, 11/5 at the absolute latest. (I have to submit the work online by 3pm that day.)

We talked about the upcoming events:
Tuesday, 11/11: NEML #2, 3 to 3:30pm in SH27
Saturday, 11/15: HMMT @ Harvard
Monday, 11/17: Math Team Meeting, 2:50 to 3:30pm in SH25
Tuesday, 11/18: AMC 8, 2:30 to 3:30pm in WB

Complete competition details can be found on the Competitions page.

There’s also still a little time to get in on the jersey order. $25 payments are due by the 11/17 team meeting. You can sign up for a jersey right here.

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