Tag Archives: hmmt

3 competitions in one week!

It’s a busy time of year for the Williston Math Team!

The next round of the New England Math League (#3) will take place on Tuesday, December 13th from 2:35 to 3:35pm in Schoolhouse 25. Anyone at any level of math is encouraged to participate! No signup is required. Just show up any time before 3:05 with a pencil and a calculator. The competition takes 30 minutes.

Here’s what we’ve been up to:

HMMTOn Saturday, 11/12, eleven members of the Williston Math Team traveled to Harvard to compete in the Harvard-MIT Math Tournament!

Williston @ HMMT!
Williston @ HMMT!
Steven Wang
Steven Wang

There were over 800 competitors in attendance on 147 teams from around the world! We competed as two teams (Williston X and Y) and scored quite well! Williston X finished in 68th place and Williston Y finished 121st!

Complete results can be found here: Williston Results, Complete Event Results

Steven Wang earned particular recognition by finishing 119th out of 813 competitors! Congratulations Steven!

All of the problems (and solutions) from the competition are available online right here. Give them a try!

NEML-logoOn Tuesday, 11/15, twelve students sat for the second round of the New England Math League, earning an excellent team score of 24!

Here are the top scorers:

First Name

Last Name


NEML Total

NEML 2 Score































Hanzhang (Derrick)





Complete NEML results can be found on the results page. (Ask Mr. Seamon for the password.)

AMC-lgoAlso on Tuesday, 11/15, twenty three Middle School students sat for the AMC8 math competition!

AMC8 @ Willistion
AMC8 @ Willistion

Everyone had a wonderful time and we look forward to receiving the competition results in a couple weeks!

A BIG two weeks!

The Math Team has been busy! Here’s what’s coming up:

Tuesday, 12/2: Math Team meeting, 3-3:30pm, SH25
Monday, 12/8: USA Math Talent Search #2 due. Math Team meeting, 2:50-3:30pm, SH25.
Tuesday, 12/9: NEML #3, 3-3:30, SH27 [Anyone can participate!]
Tuesday, 12/16: Math Team meeting, 3-3:30pm, Sh25

Here’s what been going on for the past two weeks:

On the 11th, 28 students participated in the second round of the New England Math League. You can read all about the competition right here.

What an event!

On the 15th, 6 students and I traveled to Harvard for the Harvard-MIT Math Competition! In all, 140 teams were present from all over the US and beyond!

There were over 800 students competing!

The competition was broken into four rounds: two individual and two team that you can learn more about right here. It’s was an incredible event to behold. So much amazing math energy all in one place.

Our competitors found the rounds challenging but quite fun!

The last round (GUTs) was particular entertaining: Teams worked together and ran their solutions to the graders for immediate scoring. Each problem was worth differing amounts of points ranging from 1 to 15.  All of the coaches and spectators were in another room watching the live scoreboard update in real time!

Overall we had a GRAND time and were very happy with our results which you can view right here. We can’t wait to return for HMMT 2015!

On the 17th, the Math Team had its regular meeting and spent the majority of the time working on the PUMaC (Princeton) Power Competition questions. Our PUMaC remote team is comprised of: James Kim, Ray (DongHo) Kim, Jack (Dong Ha) Lee, Alicia Lima, Nam Pham, Michael (Nghia) Tran, Derrick Zhao, and Shirley Zhou.

Math Team Meeting FUN! :)
Math Team Meeting FUN! 🙂

On the 18th, 22 middle students sat for the AMC 8 math competition. The students had 40 minutes to complete 25 multiple choice questions. This is the first time we’ve run the AMC 8 and it was really exciting to have a quarter of the whole middle school choose to participate!


11/3 Meeting

Despite having a limited amount of time due to the daylight savings-induced modified schedule, 17 students and I got through lots of fun Math Team work!

Screen Shot 2014-11-03 at 4.00.32 PM

We worked through four more NEML practice problems spanning all sorts of topics. You can view the problems (and answers) right here (PDF).

I encouraged everyone to work on the Math Talent Search problems and turn in work to me by Wednesday, morning, 11/5 at the absolute latest. (I have to submit the work online by 3pm that day.)

We talked about the upcoming events:
Tuesday, 11/11: NEML #2, 3 to 3:30pm in SH27
Saturday, 11/15: HMMT @ Harvard
Monday, 11/17: Math Team Meeting, 2:50 to 3:30pm in SH25
Tuesday, 11/18: AMC 8, 2:30 to 3:30pm in WB

Complete competition details can be found on the Competitions page.

There’s also still a little time to get in on the jersey order. $25 payments are due by the 11/17 team meeting. You can sign up for a jersey right here.

HMMT Team!

The following six Williston students have been chosen to compete at the November 15th HMMT competition at Harvard! Please join me in congratulating Alicia Lima, Derrick Zhao, Jack Lee, James Kim, Ray Kim, and Shirley Zhou!

Upcoming important dates:
11/3: Team yearbook photo @ 3pm in SH25
11/4: Math Talent Search due. Hand completed work to Mr. Seamon for submission.
11/11: NEML #2, 3-3:30pm in SH27
11/15: HMMT
11/18: AMC 8, 2:30-3:30pm in WB

We’re in!

First: Our next Math Team meeting is on Monday, 10/20 from 2:50 to 3:30pm in Schoolhouse 25.

Moving on to the even more exciting stuff:

I woke up this morning to two VERY exciting emails! A Williston Northampton team has been accepted into both the HMMT and PUMaC competitions! We are very lucky to have gained entrance into the competitions as each had more applications than ever!

I need each of you to reconfirm which event(s) you can attend. Please use this form to resend me your information. Please fill out this form by Monday, 10/20 at 3pm.


Some of you have already sent me information regarding which events you can attend. Please use the above form to resubmit your information. Feel free to submit different information if your circumstances have changed. It is possible that some people will be allowed to attend both competitions. Also, I will possibly have limited space for people to attend as a non-participant and work as my “assistants”. We’ll act as the cheering section for our team!

HMMT Information: It’s an all day event on the Harvard campus on Saturday, 11/15. We leave campus in the early AM (around 6am) and return in the evening around 6pm. Our competition team will be made up of 6 students. You can learn more about the competition right here. Each trip participant will need to bring $20.

PUMaC-LogoPUMaC Information: It’s an all day event on the Princeton campus on Saturday, 11/22. We will leave campus on Friday afternoon, 11/21 and return on Saturday night, 11/22. We will have a fun evening in Princeton on Friday that will include a trip to see The Imitation Game, a brand new movie about Alan Turing! Our competition team will be made up of 8 students. You can learn more about the competition right here. Each participant will need to bring $40.

10/6 Meeting

We just had another fantastic meeting. 15 students attended, representing all grades at Williston. We worked on AMC math problems, talked about the upcoming first NEML competition (10/14!), and discussed the HMMT and PUMaC. Big take aways:

Screen Shot 2014-10-06 at 3.55.21 PM

1) All team members should let Mr. Seamon (jseamon@williston.com) know by this Friday, 10/10 if they are able to attend the HMMT (11/15) and/or PUMaC (11/22). Both events are all day. We’d leave campus early and get back late. It looks like we’ll have space for everyone who wants to compete.

2) The first NEML contest will be given on Tuesday, 10/14. The contest will begin at 3:00pm SHARP in Schoolhouse 27. You must be inside the room before 3:00pm. The contest will last 30 minutes.

9/30 Meeting

We just had a great third team meeting!

Important Dates
Important Dates

After going all of the important team dates, we  we divided into three groups to discuss ways to promote the math team, the HMMT competition, and the PUMaC competition.

We determined that just about everyone is interested in participating in both competitions. The good news is that I was able to submit applications for two teams for each competition and I had a roster spot for everyone! Don’t worry if you can’t 100% commit to a given competition right now. We’ll work out those details at our next meeting which will be held on Monday, 10/6 in Schoolhouse 25 from 2:50 to 3:30pm.

Meeting minutes were recorded in our Math Team OneNote notebook.


At this point all team members should be:
– On the Math Team Google Group (Email)
– Added to the Math Team OneNote notebook
– Added to the Math Team Veracross group

Anyone is welcome to join the Math Team at any time, regardless of age or mathematics level. Interested students should email me at jseamon@williston.com and fill out the short signup survey.


9/22 Meeting

2014-09-22 15.27.15 HDR

We just had a second great Math Team meeting! Here’s what we covered:

OneNote notebook setup: Every team member should have access to the Team shared notebook. If you haven’t received an email giving you access, please let me know.

We worked on some problems from the 2014 AMC 12B exam which proved to be really entertaining. They are phenomenal prep for all sorts of math competitions.

I went over the two on campus competitions we’ll be doing:  NEML and AMC 8/10/12. Those dates are set:

NEML 1 Oct 14, 2014
NEML 2 Nov 11, 2014
AMC 8 Nov 18, 2014
NEML 3 Dec 9, 2014
NEML 4 Jan 13, 2015
NEML 5 Feb 10, 2015
AMC 10/12 Feb 25, 2015
NEML 6 Mar 17, 2015

We talked about our first off campus non-competition trip. The plan is to take a day trip to Manhattan (train in from New Haven) and spend the day at the Museum of Math and make a visit to Google NYC. There is certainly sufficient interest in the trip. A set date is coming soon!

Our primary targets for off campus competitions are the HMMT (11/15) and the PUMaC (11/12). These are higher level competitions. We’ll be sending small teams (less than 10) to each event. Let me know ASAP if you’re interested in joining the team for either one or both of these competitions.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, 9/30 from 3-3:30pm in Schoolhouse 25.