The next Math Team meeting will take place Tuesday, 2/3 from 3 to 3:30pm in SH25. Anyone is welcome to attend!
The league-wide results for the 4th round of the New England Math League are in… and we did very well! Our current overall score of 98 puts us at 23rd in all of New England (out of 141 teams) and 12th (out of 80 teams) in MA!
A special shoutout goes out to Umi Keezing and Shrley Zhou for their perfect scores!
You can view the current league-wide score report document, and complete team stats on the results page.
The next NEML competition will be on Tuesday, 2/17 from 2:35 to 3pm in SH25. You must start the competition before 3pm.
+AMC 10/12
The American Mathematics Competition 10 & 12 will take place on Wednesday, 2/25 from 8:30 to 10am in Plimpton. The competition is open to any Williston student who registers online by Wednesday, 2/11 @ 3pm.
The AMC 10 is a 25-question, 75-minute, multiple choice examination in secondary school mathematics containing problems which can be understood and solved with algebra and geometry concepts. The AMC 12 is a 25-question, 75-minute, multiple choice examination in secondary school mathematics containing problems which can be understood and solved with pre-calculus concepts. Two different versions of the contests are given on two dates, about two weeks apart, in February. Each AMC 10 and AMC 12 contest contain about 12 of the same math problems.
In general, all 11th graders and above should sign up for the AMC 12 and all 10th graders and below should sign up for the AMC 10. Both exams are given at the same time and you can only take one.
+NYC Trip
The Williston Math Team will be making a day trip to New York City on Sunday, 2/22. We’ll be visiting the Museum of Math, eating a couple fun meals, and exploring Manhattan!
You can read complete details about the trip right here. In order to participate in the trip, you must sign up online by Friday, 2/6 @ 3pm.