NEML 1 Results 21-22!

An all-time high of 42 students sat for the 1st round of the New England Math League!


The team finished with an average individual score of 2.55 and a team score of 22!

Here are the top finishers by grade:

  • 12th – 5 points – Bruton Strange
  • 11th – 3 points – Connor Capshaw, Getchell Gibbons, Shuei Harada, Shirley Shi
  • 10th – 4 points – Jeffrey Warner
  • 9th – 5 points – Jack Berrien
  • 7th – 4 points – Leo Ahtaridis

The second round of the New England Math League takes place on Thursday, November 4th in Schoolhouse 25! Anyone at any level of math is welcome to compete! The competition lasts 30 minutes, you may use a calculator, and you must begin before 3:15pm.

Our team score is the sum of our top 5 scoring students:

  • 5 points: Bruton Strange, Jack Berrien
  • 4 points: Sarah Markey, Sofia Michalski, Vishal Remvelu, Frannie Cataldo, Joe Zhou, Jeffrey Warner, Leo Ahtardis

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