Category Archives: Announcements

Squares, Cubes, and Alpha Centauri

I love all kinds of space.

The space in front of me:

The student who sends me the best solution to this problem by 4/29 will get $50. The only requirement is that your solution must be in video form.

Can you fill a cube with a finite
number of cubes of all different sizes?

The space above be:

Last week we were 70,000 years away from the nearest star system to our own, Alpha Centauri. Today we are 20 years away. Learn more here.

The space all around me:

Next year I will be leading a spring break trip to New Zealand. Applications are due by Monday, May 2nd. Complete trip information is online at


Math is Alive!

This morning in assembly I gave a presentation where I talked about the lively nature of mathematics, the largest known prime number, and black holes!

Learn more:
New Biggest Prime Number = 2 to the 74 Mil … Uh, It’s Big
Gravitational Waves Detected, Confirming Einstein’s Theory
Mersenne Primes

The new largest known prime number and the number of digits it contains!
The new largest known prime number and the number of digits it contains!