Math @ Williston App

EulerI just put the finishing touches on the first version of the Math @ Williston App for my classes. You can check out and install the app right here:

You can load the app in any mobile device as well as in your browser. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Here’s what the app looks like:

@MrJoshSeamon Twitter Feed
@MrJoshSeamon Twitter Feed: A live stream of all things Williston, math, education, and more.
The class voting interface is now much easier to access.
The class voting interface is now much easier to access.
Videos can be watched inside the app. No need to go to any specific location. Just load the app and watch away.
Videos can be watched inside the app. No need to go to any specific location. Just load the app and watch away.
A very simple way for kids to send in their questions.
A very simple way for kids to send in their questions.
I will be adding content as time goes on. Right now kids also have easy access to several important links ad well as a couple important news streams.
I will be adding content as time goes on. Right now kids also have easy access to several important links ad well as a couple important news streams.

Trustee Tech Presentation

Last night I had the honor of giving a short technology integration presentation to the trustees. In it I talked about what I do with technology in my classroom, why I do it, and where technology integration is heading. The presentation slides, which include embedded video, can be viewed right here:

Screen Shot 2013-10-05 at 9.53.14 AM

Here are the materials I referenced/sampled in the presentation:
SAMR in 120 Seconds (Video)
SHIFT Happens Home (Website)
Iowa, Did You Know? (SHIFT Happens 5.0 – Video)
The NMC Horizon Report: K-12 Edition (Document)

New Surface Pro Resources

I just posted five new Surface Pro resources on the Surface Pro Resources page:


Surface Pro: How to create a picture (gesture) password: Want to unlock your Surface by drawing a gesture? Here’s how you can set it up.

Surface Pro: Recreate the shortcut back to your desktop: Lose the button that brings you back to desktop mode? Here’s how to get it back.

Surface Pro: How to bring back the start menu: Missing that helpful little button? Here’s how to bring it back.

Windows/OSX: How to reopen an accidentally close browser tab: Shift-Control-T to the rescue!


Change your SkyDrive name from “Someone” to your name: This worked for me but took a couple days to take full effect