I am excited to announce the Upper School Mathematics Students of the Trimester – Fall 2019!

Each math faculty member was free to choose whichever student of theirs they thought best exemplified what they are looking for in a model mathematics student. The official description of the award is as follows:
“Awarded to students who exemplify the math department’s core values of competence, confidence, and perseverance while helping their peers realize the relevance and importance of an exceptional mathematical education both for its beauty and for its practical application.”
The following students have been recognized as the Upper School Mathematics Students of the Trimester for Fall 2019.
Please join me in congratulating these outstanding mathematics students!
Anfisa Bogdanenko – Anfisa is a truly curious student who challenges herself to learn as much as she can. She is able to learn concepts quickly and apply them to new more complex problems. In class, she lends her insights into the material with the rest of her peers to help us constantly move forward.
Julia Borden – Julia is an outstanding math student. Always focused in class, she is determined to do her best in every aspect of learning math. Her diligence as a student has been rewarded with strong test and quiz results throughout the trimester. Julia saved her best work for her trimester one exam. Her near perfect work earned her the highest grade in the class and demonstrated great precision and knowledge. Our class can always count on Julia to ask the most insightful questions. Congratulations, Julia, on an outstanding trimester in Algebra II.
Aidan Bourbonnais – Beyond achieving high marks on assessments, Aidan always came to class with a positive attitude and ready to work. Additionally, Aidan served as a great resource in the classroom by explain concepts to classmates. This reinforced her own understanding while helping boost the understanding of those around her. For these reasons, I am proud to nominate Aidan as my math student of the trimester. |
Noah Brooks – Noah was consistently on point in class during the first trimester. He asks great questions to clarify his understanding which helps everyone else in the class. He has a very good understanding of the first trimester material to build on for the rest of the year. |
Connor Capshaw – Connor got off to a bit of a slow start with his first quiz in the fall term in Algebra 2 Honors, but then he reacted in exactly the way one would hope. He immediately set up times to meet with me; he carefully reviewed his initial mistakes; and he was careful to prepare diligently for all subsequent tests and quizzes. By the end of the term he was starting to really demonstrate his ability with the subject. Beyond that, Connor is also just a wonderful kid to have in a classroom – polite, friendly, engaged – a true pleasure. |
Louisa Coughlin – Louisa has shown a high level of thought and care in her approach to mathematics. She is able to communicate skills and theories with her classmates that are clear and insightful. She has approach class with an excellent mindset that has enabled her to not be afraid to struggle so that she can preform at her best. |
Max Graff – Max has shown great intuition for Geometry, thinking through new and challenging concepts. He is always willing to speak up in class to ask questions, share an idea, or help others. He provided great review demonstrations on proofs which really helped the entire group understand the material better. |
Sam Haddad – Sam has contributed positively to class discussions. He keeps learning going through answering and asking questions. He knows how to have fun during class and also be serious about his learning. He engages in the activities and applies his learning to more challenging problems. |
Felix King – Felix was outstandingly engaged in this class. He understood every lab challenge in terms of the programming tools available. In addition, he explored and used concepts that made his coding both effective and creative. |
Will Sawyer – Will exhibited phenomenal work ethic throughout the first trimester. He was not shy about asking questions, and communicated his thoughts/approaches very well when addressing the class and during group work. Will took the initiative to meet for extra help on numerous occasions and always came prepared. The mentality and attitude Will brought to class each day will help him in many other endeavors in and out of the classroom. |
Alice Shevchenko – Alice is a tenacious problem solver. She never gives up and makes use of all possible support structures. She works smoothly with others in small groups and is keenly aware of what she knows and what she doesn’t. She has fun with math and that enjoyment is spread to others! |
Jack Zhu – Jack’s curiosity drives him to derive all he can can from all of our class activities in AP CSP. He pushes his programming skills consistently rather than relying on what is easy or familiar. He also he maintains cheerful and positive engagement throughout his time with the group. |
Past students of the trimester can be found right here: Fall 2013, Winter 2014, Spring 2014, Fall 2014, Winter 2015, Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Winter 2016, Spring 2016, Fall 2016, Winter 2017, Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Winter 2018, Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Winter 2019, Spring 2019