We just had a second great Math Team meeting! Here’s what we covered:
OneNote notebook setup: Every team member should have access to the Team shared notebook. If you haven’t received an email giving you access, please let me know.
We worked on some problems from the 2014 AMC 12B exam which proved to be really entertaining. They are phenomenal prep for all sorts of math competitions.
I went over the two on campus competitions we’ll be doing: NEML and AMC 8/10/12. Those dates are set:
NEML 1 Oct 14, 2014
NEML 2 Nov 11, 2014
AMC 8 Nov 18, 2014
NEML 3 Dec 9, 2014
NEML 4 Jan 13, 2015
NEML 5 Feb 10, 2015
AMC 10/12 Feb 25, 2015
NEML 6 Mar 17, 2015
We talked about our first off campus non-competition trip. The plan is to take a day trip to Manhattan (train in from New Haven) and spend the day at the Museum of Math and make a visit to Google NYC. There is certainly sufficient interest in the trip. A set date is coming soon!
Our primary targets for off campus competitions are the HMMT (11/15) and the PUMaC (11/12). These are higher level competitions. We’ll be sending small teams (less than 10) to each event. Let me know ASAP if you’re interested in joining the team for either one or both of these competitions.
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, 9/30 from 3-3:30pm in Schoolhouse 25.